Tyler's Beer Journal

A tiny log of what I've been drinking lately. 🍻

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Showing all posts tagged session

Brixton Low Voltage Session IPA

tags: can, session, IPA, Brixton

I'm struggling to find anything unique here. It's a cheap, reliable session IPA that tastes wholly the same as every other session IPA you've ever had. But maybe that's the point? It's not "high voltage" after all—maybe this a mold they're not trying to break.

Camden Canape IPA

tags: can, session, IPA, Camden

I think this means I've tried all of the Camden beers so far? Like usual, this one is very nice, a little fruity, and makes for a perfectly suitable after-dinner beer. But at the same time, it's nothing mind-blowing. Just nice, and worth the low price of entry.

Jubel Beer cut with Grapefruit

tags: can, grapefruit, session lager, Jubel

It's a 4% session lager so it makes a good lunch beer, but if I'm being honest I'd rather have a Radler.